Diversity & Inclusion

Embracing & Leveraging Diverse Skills & Perspectives

Our services are created with one thing in mind, giving people the tools to build meaningful life experiences and giving businesses the competitive advantage of a well-trained, dedicated and efficient workforce.

Diversity & Inclusion at the Forefront

At GHM we help organisations move the needle forward on diversity and inclusion by leveraging the diverse skills, perspectives, ethnicity, lifestyles and cultural backgrounds of their employees to drive business success and sustainability. We guide them through a journey which focuses on making diversity and inclusion an integral part of their business strategy. 

We do this by: 

— Collecting raw data about the business to identify gaps 

— Aligning the diversity and inclusion strategy with policies and processes 

— Designing and deploying tailored training modules aimed at unearthing biases that block inclusivity and by extension, business performance 

— Evaluating and monitoring to track impact 

— Embedding diversity and inclusion through coaching and mentoring 

In addition to establishing baseline information, GHM challenges organisations to have courageous conversations on diversity and inclusion. Through a series of carefully crafted questions, we help the CEO and the executive team lead and participate in organisation-wide diversity and inclusion conversations which are clear and coherent. 


In its simplest form, Diversity refers to the condition of having or being comprised of different elements.

What Does Diversity & Inclusion Look Like?

In organisations, diversity encompasses the following elements:


Inclusion can be defined as the intentional creation of a professional working environment that promotes opportunities for all to come to work as their authentic selves.

Our Diversity & Inclusion Focused Interventions

Our interventions involve a pre-assessment of the organisation by deploying a High Performance Organisation (HPO) Survey. The survey provides a conceptual and scientifically validated structure that managers can use for deciding what to focus on in order to improve Organisational performance and make it sustainable. That data collected from the survey informs the types of bespoke interventions GHM can offer to the organisation and the level at which such interventions can be pitched to ensure optimal

impact on behaviour, values and culture.

In addition to the HPO survey, GHM will conduct 1-Day workshops at different levels of the organisation where we launch the diversity and inclusion strategy, share the diversity and inclusion roadmap, invite comments, ideas and suggestions from a diverse pool of employees. Based on key themes coming out of both the HPO survey and the workshops, we facilitate organisation-wide guided conversations on focusing on how diversity and inclusion supports or blocks business performance and how the organisation can leverage diversity to drive business growth and success.

Monitor & Evaluate

We integrate relevant parts of the diversity and inclusion journey into the organisation’s performance management process. We set clear guidelines and indicators for success and measure both the organisation and team performance. Where gaps are found, we offer assistance to move the needle forward and hold individuals and teams accountable.

Embed & Solidify

We embed the learning that takes place during the workshops by conducting group, and individual, nesting sessions, which can be done live or on a digital platform. Our approach delivers positive and measurable results as well as a satisfactory return on investment for our clients.

Companies who follow our recommended approach to diversity and inclusion will gain positive changes in the following areas:


More likely to succeed in new markets


Better Team Collaboration


More likely to improve market share


More likely to record industry leading profatibility than their competitors


Superior creativity & innovation


Greater Talent Retention

Leverage Limitless Possibilities

Are you ready to leverage the advantages of Diversity & Inclusion? Get in touch with us for an insightful discovery consultation and let’s see how we can improve your D&I together.