Vanessa Addison

Executive Coach & Facilitator

Vanessa Addison

As a ‘vision and values’ executive coach, Vanessa is passionate about to helping individuals and teams find their wings by empowering them to live their best lives – one with less stress, more meaning and purpose.

She walks alongside leaders and teams on their journey of personal development, resilience, wellbeing, and self-leadership. Vanessa holds a BA Degree in Psychology, and a postgraduate Diploma in Business, and Executive Coaching.

Her work encourages individuals to achieve positive and sustainable change. A key to this, is raising levels of self-awareness and increasing understanding of the organisational context, to ensure alignment between individuals, teams, and business aspirations.  She has been described by her clients as intuitive, insightful and incisive and her experience with clients spans FMCG, IT companies, financial institutions and hospitality.

Her outcome-focused approach blends traditional business coaching practice with insights from gestalt psychotherapy and organisation development (OD) knowledge.  Her coaching approach is practical and integrative, informed by the heart-brain-body connection.

At the heart of her method is the belief that self-leadership is key to transformation, and that a mindset of continuous learning empowers individuals to live into their full potential through all stages of their lives and careers.

She loves to incorporate experiential learning in her work, helping clients engage all aspects of themselves as they tackle challenges and embrace new opportunities.


Areas Of Specialisation:

Performance Coaching | Leadership Development | Team Dynamics | Strengthening professional relationships | Woman’s Empowerment | Workshops & Training | Stress Management & Burn-out recovery


Qualifications And Training

  • Foundations in Business – University of Stellenbosch
  • Bachelor of Arts – University of Cape Town
  • Diploma in Executive Coaching – Multiplex Partners
  • Trauma & Stress Specialist – TRE Global
  • Enneagram Coach – Integrative Enneagram
  • Member of COMENSA – Coaches and Mentors of South Africa
  • Country Leader Points of You South Africa – Facilitator and Trainer – Points of You

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Michelle Vercueil

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